Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Falls - Natural Site

Hello Everybody,

So for this adventure, I thought we would go out and do a little site seeing, of the natural variety. On this adventure we went to Hundru Falls and Dassam Falls. Hundru Fall is approximately 44 minutes from were we are staying. Dassam Falls is about a hour from Hundru Falls. We started off in the morning (7am) going by van to Hundru Falls. The van we rented was for 2015 Rupees or $37.49. We got there and did some site seeing. Here are some pictures:

Then after that we went to Dassam Falls. We hiked in and then set up a little picnic and had some lunch that we brought. Afterwards some more site seeing. Here are those pictures:

Of course we had are bathing suits with us so we did a little swimming as well. Once we were done we went a head, hopped back into the van and drove home, which took us 35 minutes.


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