Thursday, November 1, 2012

Arriving in Ranchi

In order to save us time and shorten our lay over we decided to get another flight out of Colombo. Jet Airways was able to upgrade us so we would have a shorter layover and only one stop.  Since we were doing so well on funds, we didn't mind paying a little more for the convenience.  And the great part was the upgrade only cost us $18 more for each person.  So it was $108 more dollars total.        

We left Colombo at 9:10 pm and arrived in Mumbai at 11:45 pm.  Our flight from Mumbai didn't take off until 7:35am the next day though.  So, we decided to get a couple Executive Suites at the Hyatt Regency Mumbai hotel that was right next to the airport.  We took the shuttle over for free.  It was $381.36 per room.  So we spent $762.72 on two rooms.  The rooms were bigger than my apartment and came with a nice breakfast and tea in our suites.  We got up bright and early.  Luckily we were right next to the airport!  We took off from Mumbai at 7:35am at arrived in Ranchi at 11:40am.       


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