Monday, November 5, 2012

Jagannath Temple

Greetings Again Everyone,

We are now in India and we are getting closer and closer to the states. I can't believe how far we've traveled, it feels like we were just leaving yesterday. Well we are having a blast in Ranchi and there certainly is no complaints on lack of things to do. The other day we had another educational filled day in which we visited the Jagannath Temple in Puri. The temple is a very important pilgrimage destination in the Hindu religion, a pilgrimage that a Hindu is expected to make in a lifetime. The temple is so detailed and exquisitely built, it is a very pretty scene at night. There was a shuttle in Ranchi that took us the 15 minutes, 9km, to the temple in Puri. The shuttle cost $15.50 US dollars for all of us but the viewing of the temple was free as it was priceless. Once we had filled our educational hunger we stepped over to a local shop to grab lunch. We all enjoyed some local Indian food but spent some cash. Total days cost ended up being $25.75 US dollars.                                     Check out some pictures .... 

 Good times, good times... 

Until Next Time,

-Zach D.

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