Thursday, September 27, 2012

Things to do in Colombos

So after doing some research, these are the things that I think we should do in Colombo. First off we have Yala National Park. It would be great to see some of their forests and see the wildlife that lives in them. Next we have Adam's Peak. Its quite a hike up to the top, but getting to stay for the sunrise is something that I don't think any of us will forget. We can stay in the Punsisi Rest while we are climbing Adam's Peak. Next I thought that we could go so a little bit of the culture by going to one of the Buddhist temples. I found the Isipathanaramaya Temple. It looks quite peaceful and a good way to get involved in their culture. Last I thought that we could hit up a spa to just relax before our next flight and for that we could go to Spa Ceylon, which has a lot of good reviews. - Tyler

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