Thursday, September 27, 2012

Greetings Everyone,

I've been doing some research about what all to do while we are in Melbourne. There are a lot of things to do in this big city so don't feel like we will be restricted to just my ideas. I love sports and Australia has a lot of unique options to offer in Melbourne, I'd like to go and watch a cricket game at Melbourne's  Cricket Ground. It is one of Australia's oldest and most popular sporting venue, and Pope John Paul II even held mass there at one point. Some other things to do are visit the Royal Botanic Garden and the Shrine of Remembrance, both are historical and cultural sites in Melbourne that I think would be well worth our time. Last but not least I figured we could spend a day shopping in the Block Arcade. It has beautiful and historical architecture with tons of different shops. Seems like a blast to me, and feel free to share any thoughts!

-Zach Daly

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