Monday, November 26, 2012

Money for Australia and Flight back to Raleigh

Hello Everybody,

Well it would seem that we loved Australia so much that we decided to stay there an extra week. Here is the money run down for the time we spent there.

Previous Total: $48260.65
Total Spent in AU: $2181.50
Remainder: $46079.15

With all this left over cash we decided to split it 6 way once we touched back down in Raleigh, which was a pretty long flight, especially since we had to cross over the International Date Line. That left each of us with $7679.85 to ourselves. Guess that's pretty good timing with Christmas right around the corner. 

I have to say that this journey has been quite an experience. It had is ups and downs, but overall I would do it again in a heartbeat and I hope that all of you feel the same way too. 

Until our travels bring our paths together again,

This is Tyler Simmons...

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