Monday, October 22, 2012

The Money

 Hello fellow travelers,

We started out with a measly  $52,413.58 in Jerusalem. Ha Ha. 

The sherut from the airport to the hostel was $11/person.  So we spent $66 on our transportation from the airport .

We walked to the Western Wall and spent a total of $117 at Mahenyooda for lunch.

We took a taxi to the garden at Gethsemane and spent $20 round trip on the fare.

 On our last day in Jerusalem we went bike riding around the city. With food and renting the bikes we spent $123.70.

We had a great time in Jerusalem.  I felt really connected to the history and the culture during our visit.








We are left with $52,086.88 for the rest of our trip.  I am having so much fun!!!! Hope you all are too!!!!


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