Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Abraham Hostel

Guys! and Gals!
I sure am glad we decided to stay at the Abraham Hostel, It is smack in the middle of Jerusalem providing many opportunities to walk to surrounding locations. It has a lot of great reviews and really takes pride in cleanliness. For 27USD a night we will be living in great conditions with many accommodations that other hostels do not provide. Including cheap long distance phone calls and free use of computers with internet access. Anyone feeling homesick? now is your chance to send your greetings to your family and friends, We are right next door to a post office so I plan on sending as many postcards as I can while I am here. We are going to be located in the Jerusalem city center and food will be plentiful and all around us. I can not wait to try the local quinine tomorrow!
Pictures to come! When i figure it out!
Lets have a great stay in Jerusalem!!!

Matt Gunnells

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