Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Blake here!

So when we landed in the airport, we made our way through checkout and picked up our luggage. In our pre-trip planning I looked into us taking a sherut. So by the time we got outside, there was one off in the distance making its way up close to us. There was one person on it, it holds 10, and there is 6 of us so it worked out perfect. I still can't get over how much we saved by taking the sherut. It cost us an eightieth of  what it would to take one taxi into Jerusalem, not too mention there is 6 of us and our luggage. We would have been taking more than one taxi and spending a few hundred. What a deal!
It was already evening when we left the airport so we didn't get to the hotel till after dinner time. It wasn't the smoothest of rides but it was definitely a good option since it saved us a good little bit of money. Who cares if we roll up in style or not, the fact of the matter is that were here. So lets have some fun!

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