Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Transportation In Acapulco

Hello Travelers,

At last we are at our at our final destination before we return home. We are now in Acapulco, Mexico and took a little while to get settle down here. It was one of the craziest trips to Mexico having a couple of layovers, one even bringing us back into the states but only for a brief period in Los Angeles before we headed across the border. The hostel, The Banyan Tree Cabo Marques Resort, was well worth the trip. Although once we landed at The Juan Alvarez International Airport we still had a 55 minute taxi
ride to the hostel. Check it out here. We had some cash to spend and everything wasn't too expensive in Mexico. We totaled out spending $50 US Dollars on the cab ride to our resort. It has been quite a journey and awesome traveling with a group like this. Check out the Airport we flew into...

It has been fun and a great learning experience.
I hope everyone enjoyed my posts and I made sure to fill out my evaluations.

Zach D.

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