Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Off to Australia!!

Hey Everybody,

Well I can't speak for everybody, but Singapore was a blast! Unfortunately it had to end and we have finally touched down in Australia. The flight was very nice and not all too long. We left early this morning around 6am and had one layover and that was in Kuala Lumpur and then from there an 8 hour flight into Melbourne. I have to say I am pretty excited to get to see Australia. It has similarities to home, but still has enough differences to be foreign. For example, they speak English, but with a pretty cool accent. Similar, yet foreign. 

After we landed around 3pm, we went ahead and took a van to The Nunnery, the place we are going to be staying in for the week. A quick 22 minute drive and $102.40 later, we were here. That brings us to now. Time to finish up this blog post and get some rest for the big week ahead of us. 

I leave you with some pictures of the lovely city that we will be staying in for the next week:


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