Thursday, August 30, 2012

Pre-trip Researching

So gang, I hope everybody is ready to go on an Around the World Adventure. I was researching some of our destinations and found some really cool things in Sri Lanka. Apparently Marco Polo called Sri Lanka "The Finest Island in the World". With that said, here are two sites that I found that give some great suggestions on what to do in Sri Lanka: Here and here. Of the things on the list, I am definitely interested in visiting Yala National park and Adam's Peak. I hear there is a pretty nice view of the sunrise up on the peak. Tell me what you all think!  - Tyler S.

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of visiting national parks, we may have to look into prices because the one site mention Yala to be a bit pricey. I also like that one of the sites suggested that train travel is a top thing to do there. I think that may be the best way to get from place to place. I found some info on train times and fairs for traveling in Sri Lanka here: (
    -Zach Daly
